22 October Insolito Classico

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Circolo Arci Zerbini
B.go S. Caterina, 1 – Parma – ITALY

Giovedì 22 ottobre

Insolito Classico

Classical music in an unusual setting. This event takes place in a deconsecrated church, which currently hosts a cultural association, in an area that, in years long gone, used to have two prestigious theatres in which singers such as Renata Tebaldi would perform. We want opera to get back to what it once was: not the refined pastime of the cultural elite, but a popular genre, art and beauty that everyone could enjoy. Opera does not have to take place in a theatre, with velvet seats and tickets so overpriced that only a privileged few can afford them.

This is how we would like opera to feel like: a group of people in love with art and music, gathering to celebrate this love, share a good time and a few drinks afterwards. This is our unusual classic.

soprano: Ivanna Speranza
Baritono: Gabriele Nani
Pianista: Claudia Zucconi